Hi. My name is Mike Ramsey. I wrote a book.

No. This is not a joke. It’s the story of my life which was released Nov 12th, 2019 and sold out of all print copies the first day. Luckily, we are finally back in stock. Yay!
So… If you enjoy action, adventure, damsels in distress, evil villains, and brave heroes…

You should probably look elsewhere. But, if you enjoy a touching story with just enough comedy to make you occasionally chuckle. Heartache and struggle that could lead a tough guy to tears. Along with hard lessons that will definitely make you think, then boy do I have the right book for you.

It is available at the following book retailers:
Kindle eBook
Deseret Book
Seagull Book
I’d love if you got a book from any of these wonderful places even though i have links to the easiest and most widely used book buying platform linked throughout this page. Like this….
Read what others are saying!

“I loved reading Mike’s book! I could have read it in one sitting if my schedule would have let me. It was funny, witty, honest, and intriguing.”
-Al Caraway, Author of More than a Tattooed Mormon & Wildly Optimistic

“Mike’s story takes the reader through difficult questions and lands us in a place of love, acceptance, and faith through fun, hard, and heart changing stories.“
–Kurt Francom, host of the Leading Saints podcast

“Mike’s story will leave you riveting for more, a true page turner. His conviction, his faith, leaves you wanting to share his story with everyone.”
-Dennis Schleicher, Author of ”Is He Nuts?”
Want some background? Here are a few podcasts with pieces of my story…
Listen Learn & Love – Muslim, Lesbian, and Latter-day Saint
LeadingSaints – Being the Child Of A Gay Parent in Latter-day Saint Culture
Cedarfort Behind the Scenes – From Lesbian Mom’s to LDS Mission
Stepping into Freedom – Christ Centered Relationships with Mike Ramsey
Here is a little prologue taste test for your reading pleasure…
A few years ago, I was having a wonderfully pointless conversation with two friends when one of them cocked his head up and said, “I’ve decided I’m pretty special. I had an open-heart surgery on my enlarged aorta. That makes me one in fifty thousand.”
Not wanting to be outdone, my other friend lifted his eye- brows the way a professor tends to do before saying something profound and slowly said, “You know, I have Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Syndrome. I literally wink whenever I bite down. That makes me one in ten million.”
As I thought about their uniqueness, I scrambled through my oddities trying to think of what I could say that would be relevant to this new conversation of one-upping that we had ventured upon. Beating one in ten million wasn’t going to be easy. Then, as nonchalant as a lion preparing to pounce on a gazelle, I shared three true things about myself.
“My dad’s a Muslim, my mom’s a lesbian, and I’m a Mormon. I’m pretty sure that makes me roughly one in 7.4 billion.”
The room fell deathly silent. Both of my friends’ jaws dropped as they stared at me for what seemed like an eternity. Then, all at once we began to laugh hysterically. I don’t know why we laughed. The sensational statement might have come out like an extremely well-executed joke, but the reality of the situation is that it’s my life.
I hadn’t put the words Muslim, lesbian, and Mormon—or rather, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—together in a single statement before, and it made me realize just how unique it was and how interested others were to hear about it. As the days, months, and years went on, I realized that the life I’ve lived has been anything but normal. Instead, my life to this point seems to have all the elements that a decently entertaining story needs: despair, comedy, failure, wonder, and success. So, I decided it was high time to write it down.
Now that I think about it, the driving force that ties everything in my story together is the struggle for understanding. That seems like as good of a place to start as any.
Let’s begin with struggle.